Teaching Philosophy


“Many times, a person who has achieved perceived success in their career will say that the reason they have reached that success is due to a love for what they do, as well as a continued appetite for constant learning and improvement. While “talent” is a default word that is oftentimes used to describe someone’s success, I have learned through my years of teaching that talent (which I believe derives from passion) is just a small piece of the puzzle. It is the motivation and eagerness to learn that helps guide students towards success, and I feel strongly that it is my responsibility as a teacher to keep that motivation and love for playing an instrument alive.


My goal is to create and provide students with the necessary tools in order to achieve their personal goals for violin playing, whether that goal is to simply play as a hobby, or to pursue a career as a professional violinist. Regardless of my students’ goals, I strive to instill a love for playing the violin, and for music in general – it should be enriching, fulfilling, and an overall enjoyable experience.